The best tv show ever made. Better than breaking bad, got, peaky blinders, twin peaks, sherlock . I just cant believe how someone can make so complex thing so perfectly without making single mistake. Most tv show like bb & got go for character devlopment & character-viewer bond thats how they keep their viewers connected to every episode by making character in difficult situations. Dark has that but its even has extra thing which is the most important thing in filmmaking is "storyline" itself. Depth rich story which reveals something big in every 5 seconds thats just mind blowing. So much layer in story. Most of tv show has B STORY to support main story they use b-story as character devlopment. So they give some episode specially for creating character depth. So b story doesnt have direct relationship with A STORY(main concept). But in dark they dont use B STORY bcoz their A STORY is already very rich & depthful & they have created character devlopment within the A STORY through time travel (their main concept), they developed character by showing their childhood or their future perspective. Believe me this tv show is revolutionary. Dont miss it, especially if u r into filmmaking or even a professional director, so much to learn here. Im writing this on 17/6/20. 10 days before S03 release. & i can definitely say that we will never going to witness any other tv show as powerful as dark in near future. So just dont miss it. Baran bo Odar and Jantje Friese you guys are incredible. I rank your work for dark higher than some of the greatest director like david lynch, Kubrick, Andrei Tarkovsky, bong joon ho, nolan, fincher, pta, Charlie Kaufman etc.